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Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator Cuff Injuries and Physical Therapy

Rotator Cuff Injuries and Physical Therapy

Rotator Cuff Injuries and Physical Therapy

Over time, there are many repetitive movements that our bodies can make that can lead to small injuries such as damage to the rotator cuff. This is actually a very common injury, especially for baseball players. Their continued overhand throwing at high speeds causes damage to their rotator cuff and if not treated, may require surgery. Fortunately, rotator cuff injuries can be treated with physical therapy. With the amount of right time and exercises, your rotator cuff pain can cease to exist.

When it comes to your rotator cuff, there are a lot of moving parts and a lot of things to learn about this part of your body and the injury itself. Read more below to find out what a rotator cuff is and what it means for it to be injured, as well as how physical therapy plays a huge role in recovery.

What is A Rotator Cuff?

A rotator cuff is a group of tendons surrounding the shoulder joint and socket, keeping your shoulder in place and allowing it to move and rotate. Essentially, the clavicle and your humorous meet and are separated by what is called a bursa (tiny, fluid-filled sacs that reduce friction between joints) and are “wrapped,” in tendons. When these tendons become damaged is when you may start to feel what is described as “pain or soreness deep in the shoulder.”

What is a Rotator Cuff Injury?

Essentially, the tendons around your shoulder become inflamed, pinched, or torn, making it hard to sleep or perform simple tasks such as brushing your hair or reaching for items above your head. It’s a very common injury and the risk increases with age. The injury can range in severity, thus ranging in treatment A patient with a rotator cuff injury may simply need physical therapy while others may need steroid injections or surgery that can vary from arthroscopic tendon repair to entire shoulder replacement.

These injuries occur earlier and more often in people who work in jobs that require them to reach overhead a lot. For these people, physical therapy is a great option for healing and pain management.

How Can Physical Therapy Heal a Rotator Cuff Injury

First, it is important to see exactly what the injury to the shoulder looks like. This is achieved by utilizing medical technology such as [x-rays, ultrasounds or MRI][1]. Once diagnosed, your physical therapist can create a therapy plan. While PT can’t necessarily heal torn tendons, it can strengthen the muscles and restore mobility and shoulder mechanics. Stronger muscles around the tendon end up compensating for torn tendons that aren’t as functional. It’s important that your physical therapist is focusing not only on the shoulder but on the scapular muscle as well.

[1]: x-rays, ultrasounds or MRI.

Choosing the Right Physical Therapist

Choosing the right physical therapist is of the utmost importance, as the right plan is what will get your shoulder working properly and pain-free once again.

Here at Staat’s Physical Therapy, you can rest assured that the therapist you’re working with is competent and caring, offering you a well-constructed PT plan to help you start on the road to recovery.

If you’re currently experiencing issues with shoulder pain or any other type of physical pain, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 732 920 0880 or click here to schedule a visit.